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Strong Like a Woman - the Postnatal Programme

The Strong Like a Woman Postnatal Programme is an online training programme for women who want to make a safe and confident return to exercise after having their baby.  

Combining the knowledge and expertise of women’s health physio Rosie Cardale and pre & postnatal personal trainer Jenna Topham, the programme has been specifically designed to support your recovery from pregnancy and birth whilst building a strong foundation to rebuild your strength and fitness. 

What does the course involve?

You’ll receive 18 weeks of programming, which you can start as soon as you feel ready after having your baby. The first 6 weeks are physio led, with programming designed to support your healing post-birth. Weeks 6-18 are PT led with 3 workouts a week, giving you the structure you need to continue to rehabilitate safely whilst increasing physical strength and fitness. 

You’ll also receive a whole body of resources and information which have been designed to build your confidence in, and knowledge of, your postpartum body. You’ll learn more about your pelvic and core health, and will complete the programme with the knowledge and techniques to continue your journey in rebuilding strength and fitness.

What equipment will I need?

This programme can easily be completed at home or within a gym setting. If at home, you'll need A light, long resistance band A pair of dumbbells and/or a kettlebell  From week 12 onwards you may find it beneficial to complete the programme in a gym setting where you have a broader selection of weights. If that's not an option for you, an additional set of heavier dumbbells and/or kettlebell might be worth investing in.



Meet Rosie

and Jenna

Both passionate about building your confidence with movement in your postnatal stage of life 

Rosie and Jenna both share a love for empowering, educating and helping women back to full strength during and after pregnancy. They met in Bristol after Jenna's first baby and Rosie helped to guide Jenna from 6 weeks onwards  back to full fitness and strength. Rosie is a pelvic health physiotherapist and Jenna is a Women's Health coach and trainer. 


What to expect:

A fully comprehensive, accessible and AWESOME online training programme to help you make a safe and confident return to exercise after having your baby.




💪🏻 18 week digital program that you can start as soon as you feel ready after having your baby; 6 weeks physio led and 12 weeks postnatal PT led


💪🏻 70+ workout videos, with higher and lower intensity options for all


💪🏻 Step-by-step coaching notes and movement tutorials


💪🏻 Modifications and advice based on your own circumstances: diastasis, c-section delivery and prolapse


💪🏻 Tutorial on optimal breathing technique and reconnecting with pelvic floor after birth


💪🏻 Tutorial on how to check your diastasis and assess your function


💪🏻 Mobility and stretching tutorials


💪🏻 A whole library of resources to educate and empower you and your postpartum body including a FREE Pelvic floor 101 course, a FREE ‘Fourth Trimester’ e-book and a series of podcast style discussions with Rosie and Jenna 

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