The Fourth Trimester
Introducing our new Fourth Trimester E-book
Every new mum will go through the fourth trimester: why not approach it and heal in the most optimal way?
I’m sure you have invested time and effort into making sure you stay fit and healthy in your pregnancy, taking vitamins, exercising and reading up on your what to expect week on week as you go through each trimester?
Have you given any thought to your fourth trimester?
The fourth trimester is the first 12 weeks after birth, and it is a really important time to ensure that you heal well after pregnancy and delivery and that your long-term postnatal recovery can start with the best foundations possible.
I’m going to show you how the fourth trimester e-book is a tool that can help guide you through the first 12 weeks of your postnatal journey.
So, you’ve just had your baby and you have no idea what to do…
The birth you had been planning for didn’t happen and now you don’t know how to look after yourself
You have a new scar that you don’t know how to look after
Maybe you’re used to feeling full of energy and you feel fragile and like you don’t recognise your body
These myths about ‘bouncing back’ don’t help:
You should feel back to normal after 6 weeks at least
You should get out and about as early as possible
C-section scars will heal very quickly
Having a feeling of urinary leaking is normal, you’ve just had a baby after all
So, your confidence is zapped…
The truth is, millions of mums feel unsure on how to navigate this time in their lives.
But they don’t talk about it, thanks to these ‘bounce back’ myths.
They might not tell their partners how they feel, either. Or even their best friends. Or their own mothers…
But guess what?
Lots of you tell me.
I’m passionate about changing the way we address out postnatal health.
That’s why I designed and made the fourth trimester e-book.
It provides you with lots of useful information about how to look after yourself, tips to optimise your healing and recovery and advice on what your postnatal recovery will look like.
For years I have been treating women in their fourth trimester or later in their postnatal recovery who don’t know what they should be expecting from their bodies.
I’ve seen so many new mums struggling with symptoms they might be experiencing and understanding what is normal or not.
The truth is the fourth trimester is a hard time in the postnatal journey, we are learning all about this new little human that’s entered our lives, we are likely feeling disconnected to our bodies, we are navigating a new relationship with our partners.
The Fourth Trimester E-book will show you how to:
Look after yourself in the first 12 weeks after having a baby
Help you understand what to prioritise and when
Allow you to understand how to help aches and pains you develop from feeding positions
Teach you how to look after perineal or abdominal scars
Put meaningful support from friends and family in place
Guide you to learn about which professionals can help if needed
What’s inside the e-book:
A simple to follow layout of lots of hints and tips.
A week-to-week plan of action about what to expect and things to prioritise
Videos taught by a pelvic health physiotherapist to guide you through reconnecting with your core
Easy to access information from your mobile phone
Download your copy for your step-by-step guide for a happy and healthy fourth trimester.